Let Me See ~ THE MONK

If only it were as easy to attain Enlightenment as it is to shave one’s head and put on robes! Becoming a monk does not automatically make one enlightened, nor does it mean one is better than others. The excessive respect shown by many Buddhists towards monks is weakening and corruptive; imagine what an effect it may have upon a monk to hear people say—as people do—"When I meet a monk. It is the same as meeting the Buddha"! Not only is such respect potentially dangerous, but it also lays people open to disappointment. The monk has to be aware of the dangers by knowing his own mind; he knows if he is enlightened or not, and that no high-sounding titles by which people address him will change this.

A monk is not a priest, to mediate between people and the Buddha. The Buddha did not ask people to worship Him and pray to Him, but taught a way by which anyone could develop his/her own potential and become enlightened; nor was this only for monks and nuns.

Provided with good conditions for following the Way by the kind support of the house-holder devotees, the monks and nuns show their gratitude and affection by sharing with the people what they have discovered of the Way that might be of benefit to them. So, all members of the Buddhist community, or Sangha, may develop together.

The Monk

is a


the Temple

is a


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